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BreakDown: Danville City Council Coal Ash Meeting

We’ve covered tonight’s Danville City Council closed session meeting in the previous article. Let’s do a BreakDown on it…

Let’s get a quick Big Board…

  • If this had been a regular “here’s how this Duke Energy settlement thing is going” type of meeting, it would have been over in less than an hour.
  • Since council has another closed session with legal counsel scheduled next Thursday before the regular meeting, I’m betting that’s going to be the deal day.
  • We’ll know if Duke Energy’s representatives are at that council meeting. There’s only three items on that meeting’s agenda so it would be a very quick meeting. We’ll be watching for that.
  • I questioned the coal ash attorneys as they left. I got mostly the “We can’t comment on pending potential litigation”, as expected. When I asked “Would you say that Duke Energy is being cooperative in your negotiations?”, the lead attorney said “I believe that they want to be.”
  • I didn’t see many smiling happy faces coming out of the meeting. The meeting lasted a long time. I’m speculating that they were told that this wouldn’t be a Cash Jackpot coming. That makes sense because Duke Energy has pretty much done everything that they required to do now.  Any “pain & suffering” types of money will probably be in the form of “Duke Energy Loves Danville” projects like beautiful new River district signs and um.. how about $500,000 to make Abreu/Grogan Park bigger and prettier? Hey, they’ve already done that.
  • As I said before, neither party wants this to go to a trial. Duke Energy is smart. Duke Energy has good lawyers. Make the goodwill payments to make people happy and they’ll never be seen back in Danville again.

That’s a quick BreakDown. More coming up on SouthsideCentral!


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