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Time Machine: The Not-So-Happy Oyster

Ready to hop into the SouthsideCentral Time Machine? This journey will take us back to a home invasion, fire and a punching bag (!?) story that never smelled right from the first moment I heard about the “crime”.

Hop aboard, we’re heading back to September 2013!

Victim tied to punching bag; home invasion, fire probed

I’ve always said that with extremely few exceptions, home invasions like this aren’t random. I smelled something “fishy” about this from the start and I sure wasn’t the only one. I’m also sure that the police were quite skeptical of this story as well. “The Happy Oyster”, Joshua Hollandsworth’s restaurant, never reopened after this incident.

Two months later, we found out a little bit more about this “random home invasion”. Unsurprisingly, law enforcement believes that the fire was intentionally set (Who Knew?). I sorta guessed that based on the logical thinking that people aren’t ziptied to punching bags while their house just happens to catch fire at 1 AM. But hey, you know I could have been wrong on that.

Let’s jump back to the present, seven months after this “Say, That’s Odd” event happened. We’ve got no progress in the case mentioned from law enforcement, we’ve got no “The Happy Oyster” and we’ve got no Joshua Hollandsworth around. We do have a lot of unanswered questions, though. I’m wondering if ever we’ll get any answers.

That’s today’s trip in the SouthsideCentral Time Machine. We’ve got a lot more trips planned here so keep reading and sharing, folks!

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